Monday, September 12, 2011

Sports & activities that compliment martial art

Some of your everyday sports activities and exercises can compliment your martial art training. Here are a few things you can do to help your martial art training.

Baseball & golf:
The swinging motion of  these sport is the same muscle you work on in alot of striking martial art like Karate, Boxing, Muay Thai & etc.

Indoor / rock climbing:
A good activity to strengthen your grip, pulling motion and upper body strength. Good for grappling and martial art that require strong grip like Kendo.

Weights in the gym:
Generally working out in the gym is good for core & strength training but too much of this can affect one's reflex and mobility. It is advisable to alternate one's training with weights & also reflex and agility training. Finding the right weight training can help one both in grappling and striking art.

Futsal / Squash / 100 meter run / Tennis / High jump:
These sport activities demands you to create explosive powers and trains your stamina. The need to create great burst of power, the motion to halt, stop and create explosiveness can be very tiring but is perfect to build a strong stamina.

One of the toughest sport out there. Train mental toughness, stamina for running, tackle / maul for the takedown exercises & is a very demanding sport for conditioning and endurance. This sport is great for grapplers but is also a very taxing sport for overall strength and fitness.

Make no mistake, dancing requires one to have flexible hips and actually trains one's balance. Some dance like power dance / BBoy can even train explosiveness. In fact BBoy dance moves can compliment martial arts like Capoeira.

These are just some of the examples of sports that can compliment your martial art. We hope this read gives you a little idea on other sports, in fact it will be good to once in a while switch sport just to get off from boring routine. Train hard & have fun peeps!

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